Minimum Wage Illinois 2025
The minimum wage applicable for employees above 18 on an hourly basis is $14 per hour (applicable from january 1, 2025) irrespective of company size. How should small business owners prepare for changes that are being made?
Click any state for details about the minimum wage, exemptions, and other state labor laws. The prevailing wage is defined as “hourly cash.
Minimum Wage Tipped Youths (Under 18) (Working Less Than 650 Hours Per Calendar Year) 01/01/2025:
Beginning july 1, 2025, the minimum wage in cook county will increase to $14.05 per hour.
Earnfare Participants May Now Earn Up To $490 Per Month, Due To The State Minimum Wage Increase.
Click any state for details about the minimum wage, exemptions, and other state labor laws.
Images References :
The Minimum Wage For Tipped Workers Will Rise To $8.40 Per Hour,.
New employees in the first 90 days of employment over the age of 18 may be paid up to 50 cents less per hour.
The Minimum Wage Will Be $16.20.
The table below lists the current prevailing 2025 minimum wage rates for every state in the united states.